
Mike Scelzo

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Edgetech Instruments Inc. Moisture Analyzers Assist Innovative Liquid Metal Battery Maker Ambri Inc.

Edgetech Instruments provides Ambri, a manufacturer of innovative liquid metal batteries located in Marlborough MA, with the PPM 1 Trace Moisture Analyzer from their facility in neighboring Hudson, MA. The PPM 1 sensor utilizes a proprietary P205…

July 11, 2019

Aluminum Oxide

Aluminum Oxide Dewpoint Transmitter Application Note - Instrument Air

Application: Instrument Air Application Description: Instrument air, or compressed air, is a very common utility found in most manufacturing facilities. It can be used in any number of applications from the pneumatic-conveying of material, to…
June 13, 2019

Aluminum Oxide

Aluminum Oxide Sensor Technology

The general principle of operation of an aluminum oxide sensor, for the measurement of moisture in air and gases, is well documented but the actual construction of this type of sensor, which varies widely from manufacturer to manufacturer, is critical to…

May 30, 2019

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